You might not even be aware of the concealed danger in your home. Your home could sustain damage from burning dryer lin. Failure to clean the dryer is the leading cause of dryer fires, accounting for 38% of these- fires.
How Does Lint from Dryers Increase Fire Risk?
The dryer’s airflow becomes restricted when the system is sufficiently clogged with lint. This causes the dryer to overheat. When there is sufficient heat, lint quickly catches fire, therefore if there is too much heat in the dryer, it could burn. If there is too much lint in the dryer and it comes in contact with a heating element, it can ignite very quickly. The laundry room and wall frames of your home’s timber construction could be burned if more lint catches fire.
What Should You Do About Cleaning Your Dryer Vents?
Several factors influence how often dryer duct cleanings should be performed. How frequently you utilize the machine is the first factor. You need to clean the dryer duct and vent, less regularly if you only use it three times per week than if you use it ten times each week. Even though twice a year would be ideal, try to clean the dryer duct at least once a year in general.
When Should You Clean Your Dryer Ducts?
Use these straightforward instructions to decide if you need dryer duct cleaning. Check out the vent outside. Can you feel air flowing out of your dryer when it is in use? If not, the vent is clogged with too much lint inside. As soon as you can, clean your dryer duct. If your dryer duct is flexible, made of plastic or foil, and longer than 25 feet, the risk of a dryer lint fire increases. Has this been checked at least once every several months? Keep an eye on how long it takes the clothes to dry. Even if your dryer is in fine working order, if the process takes longer than normal, you should schedule your dryer vent cleaning.
We are experienced professionals, specializing in residential and commercial dryer vent cleaning.
Contact us directly on (877) 247-9797 or via and schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Avoid all the hidden risks and keep yourself and your loved ones safe.