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Commerical Dryer Vent Cleaning – FREE Estimate

Commercial Dryer Vent Cleaning: Protecting Your Business from Fire Hazards

Does your business utilize dryers? If so, an unseen threat lurks! Lint and debris accumulation in vent pipes, especially in industrial settings, is a major contributor to the 14,000 dryer fires reported annually. Excessive lint can clog pipes, hinder efficiency, and pose a significant fire risk. Air Duct Cleaning LLC specializes in expert industrial dryer vent cleaning services catering to various businesses.

Current Customers for Commercial Dryer Vent Cleaning:

  • Daycare facilities
  • Beauty salons
  • Barber shops
  • Spas
  • Grooming salons
  • Hotels
  • Medical clinics
  • Laundromats
  • Hair salons
  • Gyms
  • Hospitals
  • Pet daycare facilities

How Often Should I Clean Commercial Dryer Vents: Commercial dryers, designed to handle larger loads, require more frequent cleaning. We recommend a biannual cleaning schedule, if not more often, ensuring safety and the seamless operation of your business.

Benefits of Commercial Dryer Vent Cleaning:

  1. Fire Prevention: Qualified technicians decrease the likelihood of dryer fires, enhancing safety.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Clean vents mean quicker drying cycles, saving time and energy, resulting in cost savings.
  3. Fabric and Dryer Longevity: Reduced wear and tear on fabrics and the dryer, extending their lifespan.

Large appliance manufacturers recommend yearly inspections and cleanings. Contact us today or schedule an appointment online to ensure the safety and efficiency of your business operations through thorough commercial dryer vent cleaning.

Safety is our top priority, so let us help you.

Call us today and book your FREE Estimate!


Gold Package – Air Duct Cleaning + FREE Sanitizing + Deodorizing + Dryer Vent Cleaning


Free Camera Inspection (up to 3 vents before/after)

Gold Package includes the following services:

  • Air duct cleaning – Unlimited Vents and main lines per 1 HVAC System & Up to 3000 sq ft
  • Sanitizing
  • Odorizing
  • Dryer vent cleaning
  • System Inspection – FREE


AAA Cleaning Services INC uses the new DuctMaster III for contact cleaning and the new TurboJet MAX II which has the power of 2 motors uses a single 1.5 horsepower motor to clean residential and large commercial air systems with ease.

The most powerful, reliable, and lightweight negative air machine in the market, equipped with a 3-stage HEPA filtration system.

Our certified technicians use a fogger to apply the sanitizer after duct cleaning.

We use EnviroCON safest and most effective product in the industry which has no lingering scent or perfumes, this product is EPA-registered for use in HVAC systems.

This product helps to prevent bacteria, viruses, allergens, mold, mildew, pollen, fungi, and other microorganisms.

For odors, we use Ultra Odor Kill which is a product with high-performance concentrate material, specially formulated to deal with problem odors.

This product has a light fresh scent.

  • Every fire caused by the dryer can be prevented with regular professional dryer vent cleaning.

A healthy home needs air duct cleaning and sanitizing!

We guarantee a FLAT PRICE and no hidden charges!


Platinum Package – Air Duct Cleaning + FREE Sanitizing + Deodorizing + FREE Dryer Vent Cleaning + Coil Cleaning


Free Camera Inspection (up to 3 vents before/after)

Platinum Package includes the following services:

  • Air duct cleaning – Unlimited Vents and main lines per 1 HVAC System & Up to 3000 sq ft
  • Sanitizing – FREE
  • Odorizing
  • Dryer vent cleaning – FREE
  • Coil Cleaning
  • System Inspection – FREE


AAA Cleaning Services INC uses the new DuctMaster III for contact cleaning and the new TurboJet MAX II which has the power of 2 motors uses a single 1.5 horsepower motor to clean residential and large commercial air systems with ease.

The most powerful, reliable, and lightweight negative air machine in the market, equipped with a 3-stage HEPA filtration system.

Our certified technicians use a fogger to apply the sanitizer after duct cleaning.

We use EnviroCON safest and most effective product in the industry which has no lingering scent or perfumes, this product is EPA-registered for use in HVAC systems.

This product helps to prevent bacteria, viruses, allergens, mold, mildew, pollen, fungi, and other microorganisms.

For odors, we use Ultra Odor Kill which is a product with high-performance concentrate material, specially formulated to deal with problem odors.

This product has a light fresh scent.

  • Every fire caused by the dryer can be prevented with regular professional dryer vent cleaning.
  • Build-up on the COIL will reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, restrict airflow, freeze your AC Coil unit, possible mold builds, shorten its operation life and continue to circulate the contaminants throughout your home.

A healthy home needs air duct cleaning and sanitizing!

We guarantee a FLAT PRICE and no hidden charges!


Silver Package – Air Duct Cleaning + FREE Sanitizing + FREE Deodorizing


Free Camera Inspection (up to 3 vents before/after)

Silver Package includes the following services:

  • Air duct cleaning – Unlimited Vents and main lines per 1 HVAC System & Up to 3000 sq ft
  • Sanitizing
  • Odorizing
  • System Inspection – FREE

AAA Cleaning Services INC uses the new DuctMaster III for contact cleaning and the new TurboJet MAX II which has the power of 2 motors uses a single 1.5 horsepower motor to clean residential and large commercial air systems with ease.

The most powerful, reliable, and lightweight negative air machine in the market, equipped with a 3-stage HEPA filtration system.

Our certified technicians use a fogger to apply the sanitizer after duct cleaning.

We use EnviroCON safest and most effective product in the industry which has no lingering scent or perfumes, this product is EPA-registered for use in HVAC systems.

This product helps to prevent bacteria, viruses, allergens, mold, mildew, pollen, fungi, and other microorganisms.

For odors, we use Ultra Odor Kill which is a product with high-performance concentrate material, specially formulated to deal with problem odors.

This product has a light fresh scent.

A healthy home needs air duct cleaning and sanitizing!

We guarantee a FLAT PRICE and no hidden charges!